Tower Silo Roof
The high roofs for tower silos are mounted on the crown of cast-in-place concrete silos, concrete elements or steel tanks. The installation of a high roof on a slurry storage facility allows – in addition to reducing greenhouse gas and odor emissions – to prevent rainwater from penetrating into the slurry or substrates stored below.
The efficiency of a tower silo roof is of great importance and very high in the effective reduction of greenhouse gas and odor emissions, and is even the highest in direct comparison with other cover systems! According to the Planning and Building Ordinance (PBO) the effect on the yard and the landscape is “slight”. For this reason, a simple building permit must be submitted to the municipality concerned. The documents necessary for this purpose are prepared and made available by JBMC Inc at any time.
The tower silo roofs are considered as “permanently effective slurry storage silo covers” and easily meet all relevant requirements of the implementation guide “structural environmental protection in agriculture”. They are therefore of course considered in Switzerland as “approved slurry storage covers”.
High roofs for tower silos – so constructions made of PVC-coated polyester fiber with a central support also synthetically coated – have proven to be corrosion-resistant and rot-proof covers, made of high stable materials and able to be used up to a span of ~40.0 m.
JBMC Inc provides planning, static calculations and construction drawings, and will endeavor to submit your construction request for the granting of your building permit as quickly as possible. Delivery is made free domicile (DAP) by a Swiss transport company. JBMC Inc is responsible for logistical coordination and installation of roofs. A handful of third party aid and a mobile truck-crane are to be organized at the expense of the farm for the period of construction / assembly.
- Reduces – in the repository – the emission (evaporation) of ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide
- Allows you to benefit from specific investment aid for installations that allow the achievement of ecological objectives and has very low maintenance and service costs (low lifetime costs)
- Reduction of emissions of ammonia and greenhouse gases as part of a building permit procedure
- Increases repository storage capacity and limits slurry storage odors (means better environment around farm)
- Short construction times, components in stock, reduction of the effective and absolute construction costs and free of any water protection permits / environmental impact assessments
- Enables nutrient recovery and thus a reduction in the acquisition costs of fertilizer and artificial fertilizer
- “Just in time” delivery and project planning with the latest CAD technology as well as static calculations “all inclusive”.
Sustainable development from which everyone involved
– in the form of an economic, ecological and social return – can benefit and grow. This is what we stand for!
For people, your livestock and our environment
are produced in Germany
The production of a tower silo roof basically consists of two main components. First, the roof of the tower silo includes an exposed membrane made of a highly tear-resistant polyester carrier fabric, available in gray or green. The resistance conferred on the material results from the resistance of the woven threads and the density of its weaving.
The membrane, resistant to UV rays and slurry, is therefore absolutely waterproof and rot-proof. A specific membrane manufacturing technique and a special shape prevent the roof of the tower silo from flapping under the influence of wind and weather. At the same time, this construction reduces the stresses on the membrane materials, thus a high quality standard is achieved and thereby contributes to the longest possible service life of the roof of a tower silo. Thanks to flexible production and fast assembly, the construction times are rather short, which significantly reduces the total construction costs.
The membrane is fixed to the edge of the tanks, at the height of the vault of the silo, using stainless steel bracing and edge fasteners. Service openings and pipe penetrations are incorporated into the membrane, which means that maintenance and inspections can be carried out conveniently and easily in the silo or tank.
In addition, the silo tower roof naturally includes a plastic-coated central support with a telescopic point- high wheel. The central support, as well as all the parts of the mast, are made of steel and then hot-dip galvanized. These come to be protected by a multiple epoxy resin coating. The central support stands in the middle of the silo, ensures the necessary prestressing of the Sattler Ceno membrane and transfers the external forces from the roof of the tower silo to the concrete slab of the said silo.